Celebrating Books Through Photography

In honor of Book Lover’s Day on 9 August, my writerly pals and I are sharing all the ways we adore reading. Please join me and the awesome bloggers listed at the end of this post who also share their book love. The Week in Links will be back next week!

For you photographers out there, you’ve probably had that moment, while you’re lining a shot, where you realize how silly you must look. Try taking book and journals outside and photographing them. It’s fun but a little weird. I mean I’m treating a book like it’s a model.
Instagram inspired me to get into book photography. 
Combining my two loves– photography and books. Funny enough, I read mostly on my Kindle so I don’t have any new physical books to photograph. All my print books are at least two years old. Fortunately, I have a collection of books and journals to photograph.
Taking pictures of my Kindle stretches those photography muscles. Either the screen is white and everything else is clear or the screen is clear but the background is too dark. I like how the trees reflect on my Kindle, though…when the shot works.
For my photo sessions, I usually take a bag of books or journals with me while I’m walking my dog or going to the park. 
I always worry I’ll bring some critter home since I’m putting books on the ground. I try to inspect the spot before I shoot. Some spots, though, are too perfect to pass. This log was crawling with ants but I really wanted to shoot one of my books on it. I shook the journal before I put it away. 
It’s nice when I can position my books and the camera to get a good background in the photo.
I get lost in the moment, trying to set up the perfect photo. It’s so relaxing when I stop thinking about how I look. 
Now I have a good excuse to buy more books and bookish items to decorate my shots. (As if I need an excuse to buy books.) 
Join the hop, share photos of your favorite books!
Follow me on Instagram for more photographs. 

Thanks for stopping by. For more book love, please visit these awesome bloggers next.

Cat Michaels
Cat’s Corner