Write To Make Your Story Happy

I’ve said it before- I don’t like the idea of writing for the market. You should write your story the way you want to. That being said, we can still get caught up in what people might think.

My novel has a few graphic scenes. I didn’t think they were that intense but my beta readers were slightly shocked. I returned to those scenes to lessen their impact but I couldn’t do it- not without ruining the story. Now, I have moments where I’m fretting over whether or not they’re too intense.

There’s this short story I wrote. I’m super proud of it but I’m reluctant to share it because it’s really rough. I even removed some powerful words to lessen the impact.

This is a pointless battle. Everyone is not going to like your story. We need to make peace with this. We can’t censor ourselves because we’re afraid some may not like what we said.

Similarly, the main reason I’m not doing back flips about being closer to self-publishing my first novel is fear of negative reviews. The idea of someone not liking my story is heartbreaking but we can’t focus on the negative.

Don’t let your work suffer because of fear. We really don’t know how our audience will react. What if you fret over a scene, publish the novel and find out a good percentage of your readers loved it? Fear is one vicious monster but we can’t let it gut our story.

3 thoughts on “Write To Make Your Story Happy

  1. I needed to hear this today. I'm drafting a new book and I'm so worried about what an editor will say about it. I have to please myself before I worry about what others think. Thanks!

  2. I'm writing a book that may include controversial comments. I try not to worry about this, but I really do. I believe some things need to be said with honesty and frankness. These don't tend to be the easy things. Thanks for the words of encouragement.

  3. I know that my book is going to draw some attention that I'm rather wary of- the subject matter and some of what happens through the book will see to that. Terrorism and counter terrorism can be a touchy subject, so I'm expecting it.

    Not everyone's going to like what we write, and when the time comes, we have to be set for it.

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