Enjoy-One Day

The office, this gray asylum Peace Caterin chose to be a part of, was an abomination. She watched and despised the normals who worked here day after day, year after year, never shooting for anything greater-accepting this hollow eyed world and rejecting those who didn’t. She’d been here three years and everyday was a fight against her nature. But she had set herself on this mission; she’d put herself in this cell of boundless phantoms.

Normals and weak minded non-normals convinced themselves this thing they called a cubicle wasn’t a prison. Peace’s eyes exposed what these normals tried to deny. She leaned away from the computer and looked around. This place trapped them when it allowed them to put pictures on the walls, it gave them business cards with some made up title, it bestowed upon them shiny golden name plates bearing those mile long titles. Peace looked at her own gifts and her full lips stretched into a smile that made even the Darkness and the Silence shiver.

The music from her radio was a somber drawl that disturbed memories of slim knotty finger opening her head and digging into her brain. The song ended but the Communicator’s voice was just as stagnant.

For my brothers, sisters, and friends replenishes are available from EPT’s breeders but it’s not at the usual place. One day…

Peace’s mouth formed a much warmer smile as she changed the station. There were never two more glorious words.

“One Day.”

The next Communicator tried to fight the Silence but their barren tone gave the verminous beast fuel. Peace understood their anguish being trapped in an apartment for years, forging a hatred for any sound- even their own voices- but they had chosen their path so their loved ones would never be without noise. They couldn’t falter not. 

The Silence remained. 

That noxious, oppressing creature took another one. Peace hadn’t recognized the voice but something familiar in the dry tone made her bow her head.